Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

I had a very nice Father's Day. I'm very proud of my three son's, Mark, Kevin and Brian. I love my two Daughter-in-laws, Kim and Beth. And my two grandaughters, Erin and Jill. Such a great family any man would be proud of. My day started with my lovely wife treating me to Breakfast. We found out our nearest "Bob Evans" Restaurant was closed and transformed into a parking lot.

Kevin stopped by and visited and brought some homemade Lasagna by, which I ate for Dinner last night. It was very good. My three son's culinary skills are just one of the many things I'm proud of. He had a 4:00 softball game so he had to leave for that. Mark and Kim and the girls came by and brought me my lunch and made me some pumkin chocolate chip muffins. Very nice. We then went to visit my mother in the nursing home. I was very glad to get over there with the girls. She's been wanting them to visit. Brian and Beth called. Brian had to work. Beth was on call and not feeling so good. But both wished me a "Happy Father's Day". Glad to hear from them. I'll see them later in the week, I'm sure. So, from start to finish, a very nice day. Plus, when checking on my tomatoes one of them is starting to get an orange color so my prediction of my first tomato on June 21st will only be off by about 2 days!


Anonymous said...

We thought about you yesterday. I love your family too. We did father's day Saturday night and Beth had other plans but she called and talked to Tom last night. I did a father's day blog for Tom and everyone got a big kick out of that. I don't know if Beth has seen it or not, but that is her with Dad standing her on her head in Florida.

Kevin said...

I'm glad it was pleasant. Whatever we did to you, I mean for you, it was less than you deserve. You are a darned fine dad.

Brian said...

I don't know who told you about my culinary skills, but I assure I did not inherit any such thing. I'm sorry we didn't see you yesterday, but I'll be by...and hopefully we can get on the golf course this week.

Brian said...

what's up with the picture?