Tuesday, August 7, 2012

One again, looking back in time.......

In this post I'm going to cover a few different pictures that I found and thought were nice to post.  None of them have anything to do with the other.

This is my Dad's Army picture from 1942.  He was 26 years old.  Wow!  How young!  Maybe moustaches run in the family.  I'm really glad I have the pictures I've got of my family.  So many people don't have the extensive photos of their ancestors that I have.  I owe that to my Mother, who was the self appointed family historian.  I'm really proud to have the book she wrote documenting all the Tabler family back to their Exodus from Germany in 1732. 

Mark, in 1974 playing with the Evil Knievel Stuntman.  You could set ol' Evil on the little platform, crank the wheel and build up speed, then send him off flying!  This was taken in our hallway between the kitchen door and steps.  Notice the Linoleum floor.  We used to take Evil out on the driveway and let'm fly!  I'll bet Evil Knievel in the original box would be worth a pretty penny today!

Dad and Mom on the front porch of the house I grew up in.  This was a brand new house and this picture was taken a little over a year after we moved in.  I was 6 years old and lived there until I went into the Navy when I was 18 years old, in January 1965.  I find it hard to believe I lived there only 12 years, but for me at the time, it was a lifetime.  Mary Lynn and I have lived in our house now for over 43 years!

Another stroll down memory lane.  I'll have to dig up some other pictures to post if I can't report on my golf game for awhile.

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