Friday, August 31, 2012

"Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep....."

Most of you who read my blog know that Mary Lynn and I pre-paid our Funeral and burial plots several weeks ago.  We got the call yesterday that our stone was in and set.  So, I figured I'd go by and take a picture of it and make sure there were no mistakes.  Looks pretty good, doesn't it?

If I didn't say before, this is in Calvary Cemetery on Newburg Road.
The brick wall in the distance is the back wall of the Carmelite Monastery next door to St. Agnes School.  We're on top the hill behind the Monastery.

At this angle you can see the St. Agnes ball field and the church tower.  In both of these pictures the brick wall and the ball field are a lot closer than they look.

So, this is where we'll be.

1 comment:

Mary Lynn said...

can't believe you put this on a blog. How morbid. I should have stretched out in a casket while we were there and you could have put a picture of that on here, also.