Monday, October 1, 2012

Several more weeks to go

I've been going to Audubon Hospital Cardiac Rehab 3 mornings a week for 8 weeks now.  My Insurance pays for 36 visits, and today was my 24th visit.  So, 3 mornings a week, I have 4 more weeks.
When I go there I workout on 3 different machines for 10 minutes each, one after the other.  So, it's a 30 minute workout.  I don't know how they can tell if I'm doing better, or what, because I've done the same thing since I started.  I guess they just want to know that I'm getting some exercise.  While there, I have to wear a heart monitor and they track my heart rate.
Besides working out there, when I go to the Zoo I usually get a pretty good workout.  You can't go to the Zoo without walking up and down hills wherever you go.   And, I checked my hours at the Zoo for September and I have worked over 50 hours for the month.  With the Zoo walks and playing golf once or twice a week, I'd say I'm getting pretty good exercise other than the Mon-Wed-Fri morning Rehab workouts.   I just might be close to being back to 93%.
On another note, I got my shingles shot today.  One bout with shingles is all I needed to tell me that I don't want to go through that again.  The shot isn't supposed to keep you from getting shingles, but to make the shingles a little less severe if you do get them.  Whatever will help, I'm all for!  If you've ever had shingles, you know what I mean.

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