Saturday, October 22, 2011

Trunk-or-Treating at Shively Park

J. R. Harris decorated his trunk and made a costume for Shively Park's Trunk-or-Treating at 1:00 today in Shively Park.  When he signed up to do it he hadn't read the fine print and didn't realize he was supposed to be in costume and decorate his trunk.  He thought all he had to do was sit in a chair and hand out candy, until his wife, Barb, read the fine print to him.

So....he started making his costume.  Painted some red devil horns black, black mask, black hood sweatshirt, cape, utility belt, black boots.  Presto!.........Batman!

Then some cotton cob webs, spiders, pumpkins, cut out cardboard teeth, and a shredded garbage bag........Spooky looking trunk!

Put it all together, pretty good Trunk-or-Treat outfit!  The best decorated trunk won $100, but I stayed for the judging and our Bat-friend didn't win.  Several other vehicles were Company sponsored vehicles, or Organization Sponsored, but I think J. R.'s was the best individual original decoration and costume.  But, then again, I didn't get a vote.

Good Show, J. R.!

But, then again, J. R. looked more like Batman's Grandpa!

1 comment:

Mark said...

Every time I've been in JR's presence, I've thought to myself, "This guy could be The Batman. I wonder if he is? Naaaaah." I should have trusted my intuition! Don't worry, I won't reveal his identity to the Penguin.