Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring 'BubbaLou' Golf Scramble at Shawnee GC

Gene McDonald has two scrambles a year called the 'BubbaLou'.  In the Spring, it's smaller, less teams, no food.
Today there were 9 teams.  When you turn your scorecard in he tears them in half, front nine, back nine.  Then he draws two teams front nine and adds their score together, low score wins.  Then he draws two teams back nines, adds the scores and low score wins. My team tied for back nine.  We drew high card, I drew for my team.  Norman MacNally drew a jack, I drew a king.  My best shot of the day.  So we won $15 each. 
We played bad.  Our team wasn't very good.  I wasn't the 'A' Player, but I'd have played anybody on my team for money with no strokes given either way.  That was the talent level of our team.  We finished one under, 2 birdies and 1 bogey.  Not very good on Shawnee GC.  I didn't play well and nobody on my team played well.  We were lucky to finish one under.
One reason I don't play well this time of year is that there is very little grass in the fairways.  I like my ball sitting up where I can sweep it off the grass. This time of year it's like playing off hardpan.  If you hit down on the ball, like you should, it doesn't matter.  But, like I say, I like to sweep my ball of the grass and this thin Spring grass fairways just ain't to my liking.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Just make more birdies.