Monday, April 18, 2011

Metal Detecting Finds in J. R.'s Yard

I metal detected J. R.'s yard today.  His house was built in 1955, so there was a chance some older objects could be unearthed.  But all I found was what you see below
A grand total of 86 cents, a Chuck E. Cheese Token, a broken earring, a piece of a toy car, and a hose nozzle.  The nozzle still works OK, I tried it out.....part of cleaning all the dirt out of it.  Actually, 2 cents I found at his next door neighbors house.  There was a clothes line in each yard and I really thought I'd find an abundance of coins under them.  But, alas......only a few cents.  It was fun detecting, and I'm always looking for a new place to check.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Just a few minues ago I got permission from a business owner in Lyndon to search the grassy area behind his shop. It's in the middle of downtown Lyndon, so it's seen a lot of use over the past century (I guess so, anyway.) However, it could be super trashy; I don't know. It'll be a good place to check on my lunch break.