Thursday, April 28, 2011

Round 16 FTY on a Sloppy Course

Well, it wasn't as wet at Iroquois GC as at Shawnee GC, shown on the right, but it sure was a sloppy course.  It was impossible to move out of casual water because it was casual water everywhere.  So, we played lift-clean-place.
I shot a 44 - 42 = 86.  We won low team today so I got $7.  When I got there today I found out we won low team last Thursday and I got $11.  Not a bad haul for one day.
I forgot to mention on my last golf blog that I split 3 ways low back nine from two weeks ago and got $4 for that.  I've got money coming in hand over fist.  I'm thinking about quitting my day job.
Man that course was sloppy!  Hitting from marshy fairways is like hitting out of sand.  If you don't hit it perfectly clean it won't go anywhere.  Just like hitting from a sand trap.  If it's a little fat, it goes nowhere, plus you get a face full of mud!
I wish I'd brought my camera with me today.  I'd love to have had pictures of several of the guys the way they dressed to play.  One had Bib Overalls and a belt.  One had on boots with his pant legs tucked in, and one had his pant legs rolled up almost to his knees.  They would have made a good post!
The picture of Shawnee GC above is of #9 green.  The water is just on the front of the green.

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