Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer at it's best......

I picked this bouquet of flowers for you to start your Holiday Weekend! Some are from my yard and others from the yard next door. The upper right hand corner Lilly is called a "Stargazer" Lilly, and I think it's one of the prettiest flowers I've ever seen. Thought you'd enjoy it. Feel free to try and scratch and sniff, but I don't think it will work. The little red and yellow flowers are Erin's wildflowers.


Anonymous said...

You did a nice job growing and photographing the flowers. Erin is gonna have a green thumb for sure.
Happy 4th holiday.

Judith Bowman said...

Those colors are absolutely gorgeous! Only Mother Nature (and maybe a few botanists to help) could come up with something so beautiful. Nice pictures, Bad Bob. I can almost smell those flowers through the computer screen. Really.