Friday, July 10, 2009

Bob's All-Time top 5 Movies

It was hard to whittle all the movies I like down to the top 5. But, these were the ones that made the cut with the reasons I picked them. What criteria did I use? I don't know. A lot of different things. How they impressed me when I saw them. The number of times I've seen them and still like them. All but one I saw on the "Big Screen" as a first run, not a re-release.

These are in no particular order except that I will tell you that the first one listed is my #1 all-time favorite:

WEST SIDE STORY (1961) - This movie has the best music of any musical I've ever seen. I like musicals and I've seen many. Great dancing, too. After 48 years it's dated, but still fun to watch. What a great date movie in my teen-age years.

BEN HUR(1959) - I saw this movie with my 8th grade class on a field trip. I thought it was great at the time and still enjoy watching it on DVD. Great story line and chariot race. Love the sea battle scene.

SHANE (1953) - Was very young when I saw this movie and didn't appreciate it as much then as I do now. One of, if not the first, Western Movie that the town, saloon, ranch, etc. seemed more real to life than the Westerns I was used to. (Roy Rogers, Gene Autry). Homesteader standing up to the big cattle ranchers who wanted to keep the range open is now old hat, but was a pretty new story line when this movie was made.

20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA (1954) - I saw this movie as an 8-year old first run on the big screen. WOW! I loved it. At the time in my life I saw this movie it impressed me enough to stay in my top 5.

SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS (1937) - This movie is without a doubt the best animated movie ever made. I watch it with my grandaughters now and still marvel at the artistic animation done in 1937. The scene where the queen has turned herself into the old hag and goes down into the depths of the castle and gets into the boat. Watch that scene. You really believe she is an old woman. Watch her move. The movie that saved Walt Disney.


Anonymous said...

Makes for an interesting list. Tom and I just watched "Gran Torino" with Clint Eastwood. The language was awful but the story was excellent.\

Judith Bowman said...

Well, BB, I am really taken with your movie commentaries. Really. And I never actually thought of you as a "musical" afficianado - but there you are with one as your favorite. I guess we could see you crouching down dark streets snapping your fingers in search of other gang members. Or sitting out on old fire escapes in the middle of the night singing. Or maybe even in front of the mirror belting out I Feel Pretty. (Just kidding). Honestly, I remember going to the matinee to see that movie several times. Pretty innovative back then! Fun, fun.

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

One of my favorite 'movie memories' is getting dressed up, and getting to go down town on the bus with Dot to see Susan Slept Here, with Dick Powell and Debbie Reynolds. I was just 8 or 9 years old. Then we ate at the Blue Boar. I don't remember much about the movie - just feeling so grown up.