Thursday, July 9, 2009

Let's see, what'd I do today.........?

I didn't post anything yesterday. Didn't have a post for today. Really, I did do something. Today I paid a few bills, went over to Indiana to see my Mother. Mary Lynn and I went for a walk (found 31 cents). I picked 2 tomatoes from the garden. Fed the birds twice. Killed two mosquitoes. No need to thank me, glad to do it. Watered some flowers. Took out the recycling bin. Stopped at Walgreens and picked up photos. Made a few phone calls concerning upcoming golf trip to Dale Hollow. Read for, oh, a little over an hour. Helped fold a load of clothes. Cleaned out my squirrel water boarding tub. Not to mention the three meals I fixed and ate. Pulled a few weeds from the rocks around front steps. Recharged the camera batteries. Many of you may ask how in the world I found enough time in one day to get all of this done. Life's not easy when you're retired.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like one of those "do what I damn please" days to me. Those are our favorite ones.

Kevin said...

You are way too busy. I get tired just thinking about it.

That's good for me, though, because I suppose I have to get 'tired' first before I can get 'retired.'