Tuesday, September 6, 2011

When I was in School I used to beg for more homework myself!

Mary Lynn and I watched Erin and Jillian Sunday night while Mark and Kim went to a movie.  We played some fun games but I think the most fun they had was doing homework.  Not from school, but from me.  They asked me to make some homework for them like they have from school.  So, I made some.
I made up some math problems, a few Geography questions, and I asked them what else I could put on the paper?  They said some horse questions.  So, I made up some horse questions. 

Oh, they each had their own homework paper with different questions.  Here, I think, they were going back over some of the questions before they turned in their papers.

Weren't you that way? Always wanting more homework.  I know I was. Homework was always my favorite part of the school day.  Play outside with my friends? Naw, I wanted to sit at the kitchen table and do homework.  But, that's just me.

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