Saturday, September 10, 2011

Oldham County's "Rumble in the Jungle"!

I went to Erin's 2nd Cross Country Meet, the first away from home.  It was in North Oldham, and there were at least 20 schools there.  A lot of competition.  The weather was pretty warm, and the sun shining.  The course was tougher than the "Chance Chase" course.  This course had some hills.  These girls ran 1.2 miles.  Now, that's a long way for 2nd and 3rd graders.
Doesn't Erin look cute in her uniform?

They had so many runners they had to split this age group up into two races.  The girls and boys ran together. 

Erin, on the right, kicking to the finish line.  She was hurting, and her tummy was hurting, but look how strong she finished!  That little girl is tough!   That's my Rosiepie!

1 comment:

Judith Bowman said...

So proud of this amazing little girl - and I love the pics!