Sunday, August 28, 2011

Scramble at Cherokee GC

I played in a Scramble at Cherokee GC today. I'll play 2 or 3 Scrambles there a year with pretty much the same guys.  At least, it's always the same 3 of us and the 4th person changes from tournament to tournament.  Cherokee is an easy scramble course.   Any team that plays half way decent should be 8 to 10 under.  However, we always play terrible and struggle to finish under par at all.  Usually we limp in around 2 or 3 under, with a bogey or two.  Well, we didn't win or anything today, but we managed to play much better.  We finished 8 under and tied for 2nd with 2 other teams. First place was 11 under.  Of course, we lost 2nd place in a scorecard playoff.   We were pleased simply because we finished where we should be, 8 under par.  We could even play better, we know, but, as we've shown, we can finish much worse.  It was a nice day, I played fairly well, and I'm satisified with my performance. 

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