Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jillian - You still keep cracking me up!

When the girls were in school we'd try to find one day a week we could pick them up.  We'd pick up Jill at 11:30 and Erin at 3:00.  Well, Jill would come back to the house for several hours before we would have to pick Erin up. 
It's been a tradition that they always get a snack to take with them when they leave our house. So, when we'd leave to get Erin we would fix two snack, one for Jill, one for Erin.  Well, Jill would like to make name tags to put on the baggies.  I found this in the car this morning.  One of Jill's name tags for her baggy.  Jill, Jillian, Jilli, Jillybean, Jill in cursive.  Now, this is a pre-schooler!  I wonder if Erin's name tag was the same way?