Sunday, May 6, 2012

My 4th Derby Winner since 1957!

I HAD THE DERBY WINNER!  That doesn't happen very often.  Only 4 times in my life.  I can't really count the first 10 years of my life because I wasn't aware of the Derby.  I mean, it wasn't on TV back then, or we didn't have a TV,  and it would slip up on me without notice until it was actually Derby Day and the race would run.  So, I would only count my Derby picks starting at 11 years old in 1957.
My first Derby Winner was Tomy Lee in 1959.  This selection was made because I drew him in a Jackpot in the neighborhood, so he became my Derby Horse.  After that, I'd pick a horse each year. 
My next winner didn't come until 20 years later, Spectacular Bid, in 1979.   I thought 20 years was pretty bad until it got to be 27 years before I had my next one!  Street Sense in 2007.  So, with just 5 years between these two winners, I have to feel like I'm on a roll!
We really had a great Derby Day. 

Of course, we had a jackpot on every race.  Some of us didn't win, while others seemed to win multiple times.  Kinda being piggy. 
Here, Erin, the Jackpot Queen, has Great-Great Uncle George draw his selection.  Uncle George was one of the 'piggy' ones, winning 3 jackpots.

And then, every Derby gathering has to have pretty girls in pretty hats.  Our little Derby gathering had Erin and Jillian modeling their Derby Hats they made. 

1 comment:

Judith Bowman said...

Congratulations, Bad Bob. Love the pics too!