Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mark helped Beautify my yard...

......Mark planted 3 Aster plants behind the fence on the hillside. They are in full bloom now. One of them has been blooming for about 6 weeks, but is just now starting to fill with blooms. Mark also gave me some sunflower seeds to plant. The ones I planted by the back fence were dug up and eaten by chipmunks. The only ones to survive were the ones I planted up between the Azalea bushes by the back walk. They don't get as much sun as the ones by the back fence would have, but they grew pretty tall. Even the small ones that got less sun are blooming now. I wonder how long these flowers will stand before a squirrel climbs them and breaks them off.


Mary Lynn's Blog said... whom should we give the credit? Mark or Bobby? The flowers are beautiful, without a doubt.

Judith Bowman said...

I think they both should get a star on their chore chart.