Monday, July 30, 2012

Pittsburgh Trip......Post 3

A lot of you may find this hard to believe, but there are a lot of wedding ceremony traditions I know nothing about.  Yeah, I know, it's hard to believe.  Several new ones were discovered this weekend.  Now, I realize many of you out there may have heard of these things, but I only know the traditions I've seen at the weddings that I have attended.

Such as, at the Reception, when someone raps on their glass with silverware, this means the Bride and Groom are to kiss.  For those who have never heard of this, like me, what I mean is when someone raps on their glass, like you do when you want every one's attention so you may speak, a tinkling sound, you wish the Bride and Groom to kiss.  I heard this glass tinkling for awhile, thinking someone was getting ready to give a Toast, before I was told what the heck was going on.

Another tradition, I'd never heard of, was a Cookie Table at the Reception.  There was a large Cookie Table set up with an assortment of Cookies, I'd say 25-30 different kinds,  for guests to enjoy.  And, towards the end, the guest were encouraged to load up a 'to go' box, boxes on the table for you,  to help get rid of all the cookies.
This was one Julie fixed up.  As you can see, there were lots of varieties of cookies.  All of them tasty. 
Inside the little bag tied with ribbons, were pretzels dipped in chocolate.  These were at each place setting.  The 'Bride'  Pretzels were dipped in white chocolate with white sprinkles, and the 'Groom' Pretzels were dark chocolate decorated to look like a tuxedo with bow tie.  These weren't on the Cookie Table but were put in the Cookie Box to go.  I don't know about you, but I kinda like that tradition.

1 comment:

Mary Lynn said...

The cookie bar held more cookies than you can imagine, displayed beautifully. Yummmm.