Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Round 25 had it's ups and downs

OK, my computer crashed.  But, I'm still able to do most things, but haven't figured out how to get a picture on my blog yet.  So, you'll just have to imagine some golf type clip art.
My golf yesterday at Iroquois GC started out bad, but ended up pretty good.  I had a 43 - 38 = 81.  We played the back nine first, which played that way would be par 35 - 36 = 71.  So my best side was on the hardest side, only 2 over.  I did play the whole 18 without anything worse than a Bogey, which is always my goal.  I didn't play well on the front side.  Just a little off.  I hit most shots well, but I could tell I was off on my timing and wasn't getting the distance I should be getting.  Plus, not them straight.  I pulled a few tee shots, and let a couple of them drift a little right.  There was 2 holes on the front where I was very lucky to escape with just a Bogey.  One par 5 I chipped it close enough for a tap in Bogey, and another par 4 that I made a pretty long putt to save Bogey!
So, this was round 25 for the year.  Thursday, tomorrow, we will play at Sun Valley GC because Shawnee has something going on there.  I don't think I've ever played Sun Valley GC from the forward tees, so this will be a new experience. 

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