Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My 5th Blast from the Past

April 8th, 1967.  It was the Social Highlight of the Year.  This is the entire wedding party, taken outside Shawnee GC Clubhouse where the reception was held.  You can't tell in the picture, but the river was up and the the golf course flooded.  You also can't tell from the photo, but George Pearl, the tallest and 2nd guy from me, had a broken foot and had a black sock over his cast as he hid it behind the Best Man.

Now this was taken 25 years later at our 25th wedding anniversary party.  Bride, Groom, Best Man, and Maid of Honor.  Hiding in the back, I don't know, but I'd guess their spouses, Jerry and Linda.  Wow!  25 years together and THAT was a long time ago!  We're now approaching 45 years.
So many years and our Maid of Honor and Best Man are still our best friends!

Had to add this picture.  Kevin and Brian posing at the party with their missing brother, Mark.


Mark said...

And I still do, in fact, feel guilty.

Judith Bowman said...

Wow - great pics. Hey - is ML actually weaaring a corsage in the 25th year anniversary pic?

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

You've never had a reason to feel guilty, Mark. You know your brothers - never miss a chance to act smart.