Saturday, January 7, 2012

A little more metal detecting, not much found that's interesting.

I wish I could post a picture of something really interesting that I've found, but I can only be honest.  I haven't been able to find anything interesting for a long time.  Just recent coins.  This thing today, in the middle of the coins, is something I think girls wear in their hair?  It didn't rust or corrode, and it was pretty far under ground, a couple of inches, so it might be silver.  Do you think?  Either way, it's so thin there's not much weight to it.
Since I've been metal detecting I've found a total of $144.18, plus numerous other objects, rings, earrings, medals, etc.  You have to enjoy the hunt, because the rewards are pretty small in comparison to the time and effort put in to it. 
This money found today was at the Zoo lot, other than 1 quarter I found detecting with Mark yesterday.

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