Wednesday, December 7, 2011

And Speaking of Christmas.......

Weren't we speaking of Christmas?  Well, I thought we were.  Anyway, I've found something that I can put on my Christmas List.  I would like to be able to spend the night at the Zoo on the Night Safari's they have, so I thought an air mattress would be nice to have.  Twin Size.
While this is in no way the type I really want, it's a picture of what I'm talking about.  Something that goes on the floor and provides me with a little cushion while sleeping.  I've seen some at WalMart, w/carrying case for right at $20

And, a handy-dandy rechargeable air pump.  They were a little pricey, as far as I'm concerned.
The ones I saw were upwards of $30.  You may shop around and find one cheaper.  If not, I'd be satisfied with one that plugs into the wall for power.  However, not one that plugs into the cigarette lighter, as I couldn't use that in the MetaZoo.
So, right now, that's all I can think of to put on my Christmas List.  Unless you'd like to have my name engraved on my Most Improved JV trophy.

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