Saturday, November 26, 2011

Practicing with our new Camera

I took our new camera to the Zoo today to both
practice using the camera and to get better acquainted with all the exhibits.  I tried a few close ups and zoomed pictures to see if they were sharp or blurred.  I think this snake came out pretty good.  I don't remember for sure what he was, but was some type of Tree Boa.  I put the lens against the glass and snapped this one.

This was brought up a little closer than he really was.  Looks pretty good, doesn't it?  This is Walker, the male Giraffe who is the father of the new baby, Amani.  The older baby was just shipped off to another Zoo a couple of weeks ago.

I took about 30 pictures.  A lot of them were of the placards in front of the exhibits.  This is the type of stuff I need to know.  So I figured I could just brows through my pictures and read the placards to study up.  This one is the Mhorr Gazelle.  There are no more of these in the wild.  And, they're not breeding well in captivity.  These beautiful animals are expected to be extinct in our lifetime.  I think the plaque is sharp enough to read.

The new camera has 14.1 megapixels.  Our old one had 3.2 megapixels.  I guess this has a lot to do with the clarity of the pictures, because it takes about 10 times longer to download these to my blog.  I would have put up a few more of them, but it just takes too long. So, in the future blogs, they may have fewer pictures, but the quality will be there!


Judith Bowman said...

Nice pics and camera Bad Bob - Mary Lynn did a good job on Black Friday getting that one!

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

Yes, Judy. I did a fine job picking out that camera.