Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chance School Cross Country Awards Banquet

Mary Lynn and I went to the Chance School Cross Country Awards Banquet yesterday afternoon.  At 3:00pm they ran the "Chance Chase".  This is one of the runs they ran in this year, which is their own school run course and the first of the season.  So, it was set up as just a fun run before the banquet.  Mary Lynn and I ran it.  Well, we walk /ran it.  I told Jillian, my 5 year old granddaughter,  I was going to beat her.  But there was no way she was going to let that happen.  I started walking and she started running.  Well, of course, she didn't run very far.  So I started closing on her.  When I'd get within about 50 yards I'd yell "I'm gonna beat you!".  Well, she'd look back and take off again.  This happened about 5 times during the 1.2 mile course.  Jillian hung on and beat me by about 100 yards at the end.  I think I made her run a little more than she wanted to, but she wasn't going to let Grampy beat her!

Erin, my 7 year old granddaughter competed on her first competitive sports team, running on Chance School's Cross Country Team, consisting of 2nd thru 5th graders.  Erin is one of the youngest in her class so I feel sure she was the youngest on the team. 
Here, she show's off her trophy for the year and her "Shining Star Award".  I was very proud of how well she did this year.  Especially in the race where she had her worst time. But, that was when she fell early in the race, skinned her knee, but got up, brushed herself off, and finished the race.

After the awards, we roasted marshmallows over a campfire and made 'smores'.  Here, Erin can't find a place to get close to the fire without the smoke blowing in her face.  She liked to get her marshmallows browned.

Jillian, on the other hand, just liked to show her marshmallow to the fire, and that's about it.  She liked her marshmallows a little on the 'raw' side.

Then, the good part.  Mmmmmm, marshmallows, chocolate, and Graham crackers.

1 comment:

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

A fun weekend, topped off by a fun afternoon at Chance's awards.