Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Docent Training Continued

This was our last Class today.  Next Wednesday we will review what we've covered, then the following Wednesday will be our Exam.

Today's class was Animal Endangerment and Extinction.  This class covered animals that are recently extinct, animals that are soon to be extinct, and animals that are in danger of extinction.  We also covered the reasons, both man made and natural.  Most of these problems stem from man.
The top four reasons animals become endangered or extinct:
    1.  Habitat Destruction
    2.  Invasion of Exotic Species
    3.  Poaching
    4.  Pet Trade

I'll mention this once again, these classes have really been interesting.  After class today our behind the scenes trip was to the Rhino exhibit.  It was really rainy and  pretty chilly today so the Rhino's were inside.  We went into the back and entered the holding pen right next to the 2 White Rhino's.  They came up to the metal railed gate and we could touch them and pet them.  They really have thick skin.  The keeper said their skin is about an inch thick.  The two Rhino's at the Louisville Zoo are both female, and their names are Cindy and Lulu.  If you're at the Zoo with me, I'll point out which one is Cindy and which one is Lulu.  We're good friends now.  Rhino's are being hunted for their horns.  A Rhino horn is valued on the black market at about $50,000.  Thieves have even gone so far as to break into museums and steal horns off stuffed Rhino's.  We have one to show and let people touch, but at the value of that item I'm wondering how long we'll be able to use it.

I think I'm gonna enjoy this Docent thing.  I find all that I learn in these classes enjoyable to talk about.  And, I think I'm smart enough to tell if the person I'm talking to is interested also, or just bored.  So I know enough not to push info on  someone who just isn't interested.  I never knew they had so many classes at the Zoo, and that they go out to so many different places to teach classes.  It's a little, well, a lot intimidating, but I think as I get more comfortable it's really gonna be fun.


Mark said...

Very very neato, Dad!

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

The zoo didn't mention that squirrels are becoming extinct? Maybe because of some mysterious waterboarding that's going on?

Judith Bowman said...

Rhinos are such huge odd-looking animals! And I didn't realize how extensive the docent training is at the zoo. Cool!

(By the way, is it just on Goddard that the squirrels are becoming extinct)?

Anonymous said...

bob me and you at long run new years day. dollar dollar dollar