Sunday, January 9, 2011

Death takes No Holidays...

It has come to my attention that my friends I grew up with are starting to pass away with alarming regularity.  In the years past I've lost friends at intervals that did not seem alarming, but at a pace that would be normal as I grew in age.  However, lately it's has increased at what I consider an 'alarming rate'.  Yesterday, at two different functions, I found out about two of my friends that passed away recently.  One, a Coca-Cola Luncheon for all old Coke employees, I found out that a friend I worked with for a number of years Charlie
Belcher, who was exactly one week younger than myself, died in September.  Then last night, Mary Lynn and I went out with Dub and Linda and I was informed that  a High School friend of ours passed away December 22.  He was one of the 3 people I mentioned that we planned to join the Navy together in my blog entries Bob - The Navy Years.  Jacques Sabrie and I were good friends in High School, though I hadn't seen him for many years, retiring from the local Fire Department, in Midland, Michigan.
I guess it's a sign of the times.  When you reach a certain age your friends start filling up the obituary pages.  I guess the only bright spot is that it's better to read about them than to have them read about me.


Judith Bowman said...

I know what you mean! In an email about my 45th reunion (45th! It can't be) there was a list of people in my class who had died. I couldn't believe it! Two of them (my first real crush, Bruce, and one of our 'pajama party regulars' Cindy really hit home). We are still young, Bad Bob (the sixties are the new forties - have you heard?) but you're right. Now it starts. Don't plan on leaving this planet for a long time, though! Guess we will when we will.

Mark said...

I'm sorry to hear that, Dad. But you and Mom still seem young and healthy to me. Well, you know, for old folks.