Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I metal detected at Chance School again this afternoon, late. I didn't get over there until about 3:30 and quit about 5:00. I found 17 wheat pennies on the soccer field, and while 'trolling' back to the car, found this knife and half dollar. The half dollar was just off the gravel circle on the fence side, about 4 inches deep. I had to dig through gravel about 2 inches, the whole time hoping it was worth it. It was! The pocket knife is in really bad shape, but an interesting find. I can't quiet make out what it says on the little circle, but I think on the very bottom of the circle it says 'Louisville'. Also, the nickel is a 1940, and many of the pennies I could read were 1940, others were older. My guess is that these coins were lost in 1940. All of the wheat pennies came from about a 30 square foot area on the soccer field. It may have been where the bleacher seats were for the football games. I'm sure this field holds many more treasures and I hope Mark, Brian and I can get back there soon.


Judith Bowman said...

Nice finds, Mr. Bad Bob! Lots of old things over there.

Brian said...

Very very nice. I was hoping to get out Sunday, but it looks like it will be way to cold and the ground will probably be frozen.