Thursday, December 31, 2009

Better Pictures

.......... I thought I'd provide a better picture of the coin I found. I wish I could get as good a close-up pictures as Mark does. I find it amazing how well silver coins hold up lost in the ground 70 years. They stay the same condition as when they were lost.
I also wish I could figure out how to place my pictures where I want them on my blog posts!


Brian said...

Silver does hold up well, but these could have been lost in the past decade or so...hard to tell. If they are buried several inches, they still could have been lost relatively recently. Just depends on the ground condition and how much deposition or traffic influences the spot. Very nice find though. I am itching to get out.

Brian said...

also, on your birthday in March, you should spread out all your findings on a table and take a picture with you sitting behind it. I think it would be neat and give some perspective on how much you have found in the past year. maybe you you could make the cover of "Time," "Newsweek," "Rolling Stone" or "AARP."

Mark said...

I am very jealous!

Mark said...

Brian, I'm pretty sure that the coins weren't lost in the last decause or so--they are all too old. The half looks like it circulated a while before it was lost, so I'd guess mid-40s on that, maybe later, but I bet no later than '55.

Brian said...

is that because nobody would carry them around as change anymore after the 50's because they would be too valuable or because they were taken out of circulation?