Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Last of the Bread Starter

This will be the last bread I make with my starter.  Mary Lynn won't eat any of this bread and I can't eat all of it myself, so this batch will be the last.

With this starter I've made rolls, pretzels, loaves in bread pans, bread sticks, but this is the first time I've make round loaves.  I think they look good, don't you?  I bet they taste as good as they look.

The starter requires you to bake every 3-5 days, and that's just too much bread for me to eat.  I've got a freezer full of rolls and pretzels.  I'll freeze one of these loaves, too.

It's been fun.  I enjoy baking.  But I'm being over run with bread, so I'll just have to stop for awhile.  I can always make more starter.  It's a little more fun baking in the Wintertime anyway.


jrb said...

oooh! Put me on your list for when you need to get rid of starter. We inherited an entire chest freezer when we bought this house and it's completely empty. I could think of nothing better to fill it with than frozen bread dough :-)

Comma said...
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