Friday, February 18, 2011

Well, well, well......a little metal detecting

It's been a long time, but I finally got out to do a little metal detecting today. I went down to Champions Park.  They tore down the old Clubhouse and filled in the Pool.  I remember there being a wooden deck on the back of the pool and I tried to figure out exactly where that used to be.  I thought that might be a good place for coins to fall through the boards of the deck. I wasn't real sure of the deck location, but I checked all around the area where the pool and deck used to be.  I didn't find much, about 60 cents.  I found this 1944 penny and a swimming medal. There were a lot of nails.  I guess from when they tore down the building and ripped up the wooden deck.  I wish I knew where they brought all the fill dirt from.  If they just filled that area in, the ground below the old wooden deck could be under 3 feet of dirt. 
It was nice to get out again.

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