Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thanks for your help Bobby

Mark and Kim's van had the handle broken on the back door which wouldn't let them open the door at all.  This wouldn't do, especially with Kim and Erin hauling all those Girl Scout cookies around.  So, I called Bobby Flood to see if he could help me.  Bobby has been an Auto Body man for years, and I knew he could handle a job like this.  So, Bobby ordered a handle for me, and called me Saturday morning to come out to his house in Shepherdsville so he could put the new handle on.  This required taking off the inside door liner so he could access all the necessary screws to change out the handle.  While the job didn't take very long, maybe half and hour, it does require more than just taking off one handle and putting on the other.  Thanks for your help, Bobby. I keep saying Bobby helped.  What I mean is, I held the flashlight while he did the work.  I don't know if I can throw off enough on the golf course to let you beat me next time, but I'll throw off enough to let you keep it close!


Judith Bowman said...

A friend in need - friend indeed.

Mark said...

I don't know who to thank more, you or him, but I'm very thankful to you!