Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jillian continues to amaze me

Jillian was sitting at my desk in the basement looking at coins through my mangifying glass.  She was reading a penny, " L - I - B - E - R - T - Y, Liberty!. What does Liberty mean." So, I told her it meant freedom, and what that meant. Then I asked her who's picture was that on the penny.  "I don't know," she said.  "Well, " I said " it's Abraham Lincoln."  Jill,  "Oh!  He was the 16th president!".  So then I asked her who this was on the quarter.  Jillian "Roosevelt?" " No, Jillian, but that was a good guess.  It's George Washington".
Now, I have to ask you.  How many pre-schoolers would know that Lincoln was the 16th President, or ever heard of Roosevelt?  I showed her Roosevelt on the dime. Jillian, my sweet girl, you are one smart cookie!

1 comment:

Mark said...

It's a proven fact that looking at coins makes you smarter. Better looking, too.