Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bob's Adventures in Sleep Land

I couldn't or didn't get a chance to take a picture of me, but I found this picture, which shows how you're hooked up for the sleep study.
What you can't see is the wires that run down the inside of your pants and hook to your legs. Also, there are a large number of connections on and around the top of the head which aren't very noticeable in the picture. Now, try to sleep.
It was an adventure. With my Claustrophobia I was worried I'd have a hard time with all this hooked up to me. I think I slept about normal, dispite the hook-ups. Once they have you wired up and you get into bed, lights out, ready for sleep, they come over the intercom and have you do a few things to make sure the hook-ups are recording properly. Such as keep you eyes open without blinking for 10 seconds, count to five, look up, down, right, left, without moving your head. These things monitor the movement of your eyes. Then in the morning, they have you do the same things before they unhook you. In the morning I was told I have SOME sleep apnia and that I snored LIGHTLY. Mary Lynn said I must have been on my good behavior. I didn't feel like I slept more than 4 hours during the night, waking up very often and lying there awake for awhile before falling back to sleep. I was told to try and sleep on my back as much as possible, which is hard. Because I sleep on my right and left side. And rolling from side to side with all these hook-ups wasn't very easy and tended to get you more wide awake than you would be just rolling over without them. I only had one leg cramp thru the night, which caused me to sit up on the edge of the bed. Right away a voice came over the intercom "Are you OK Mr. Tabler?". So, they monitor your every move while you're sleeping. I would guess their video camero also sees in the dark. I only had to get up and use the bathroom once during the night. They have to come in and unhook you for that.
Anyway, I got through it! They said they'd call in a couple of days and I'll go in and see the Doctor and let him tell me what results they got from the study.


Mary Lynn's Blog said...

How come I can hear you snoring when you're all the way in the basement and I'm upstairs? Lightly snoring? Come on!! I want a do-over.

Kevin said...

I heard you snoring last week, and I live three miles away. I had to close a window.