Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sunday night was another fun night at Willow Park!

I forgot to write a post about Sunday night in Willow Park.  I didn't get a picture of the dancers, but we had a good crowd and the band, 'Stray Cat Blues Band', played good dance music. The rain stayed away from the park, even though I know it poured in other places around town.   Now, to touch on a different, but not completely different, subject.
Mary Lynn just finished reading a book titled: "The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of The Window and Disappeared".  I'm reading it now and about half way through it.  It's a pretty good book, and, as you would suspect by the title, has a lot of funny moments.  But, some of the main characters in the book are in a gang and wear leather jackets with "Never Again" on the back.  They're a pretty dumb bunch of people, and "Never Again", the name of their gang, comes up often.  So, what does this have to do with the Willow Park Sunday Night Concerts?  Well, Sunday night I saw a girl walk by and was dancing on the Dance Floor, and she had a tattoo on her right shoulder blade.  I couldn't make it out, but I said "Surely that doesn't say what I think it says".
I didn't know how to get close enough to read it without being noticed, so I took a picture and then zoomed in on the camera to see the tattoo.  I was right, it said what I thought it said.  "Never Again".  Hey, one of the gang members right here in Louisville!  Mary Lynn and I got a pretty good laugh out of that one.

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