Friday, July 19, 2013

Saving a Fly

Mary Lynn posted this on Facebook but I figured it deserved a little longer story on my blog.
When we were watching the girls yesterday, we came in the house from the girls climbing in the tree in the front yard.  A fly happened to get in the house when we came in.  It buzzed around us back in the Family Room and Mary Lynn said "I'll get something to swat it".  Erin said "Or......we could catch it in a cup and let it go outside."  This is a little girl who moves worms off of sidewalks and puts them in the grass, talks to ants like they're her pets. 
Well, of course we said, "Sure, that's a good idea."  But, we both were sure you wouldn't be able to catch a fly in a cup.  Well, Erin got a little plastic cup, followed the fly around.  It finally flew into the kitchen and flew to the window above the sink.  Erin jumped up onto the counter and sat there waiting patiently, then slipped the cup over him.  Well, we had him trapped under the cup, on the window.  It was my job to slide a piece of paper under the edge of the cup.  I was more than a little worried now that I might accidentally let the fly out.  I would have hated that after Erin's hard work.  But, I got the paper under the edge of the cup and we had him trapped.  We took him out front and let him go.  The girls let up a'd have thought we just saved a bald eagle!


Mark said...

We do a lot of catch-and-release. Sometimes it seems easier than cleaning up a squashed bug, but I must admit that the bug death rate increases greatly when the girls aren't around.

Anonymous said...

Love this story! (Although I, too have swatted my share of the little black beasts). I can see Erin patiently waiting for the right moment to rescue this one.
