Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, but no golf this week

I've had to call 'time-out' for a little while on my golf.  I know the followers of my blog live to read about all my rounds of golf and can't wait for the next report.  But, for several weeks my back has been bothering me and it's gotten worse in the past week.  So, yesterday I went to the doctor.  I've had this same pain before, and actually, quite often.  But it doesn't get this bad or last this long very often.  The last time was about 4 years ago.  I'm hoping the Rx he gave me will get rid of the pain and I'll be back in action next week. 
Like I said, it's been bothering me for several weeks, even playing earlier rounds, so I planned to play golf today.  But when I started getting my clubs out of the basement this morning I decided I'd better take a couple of practice swings to see how it was going to feel.  Well, instant pain.  So I decided I'd better skip the round.
I appreciate  all the cards and well wishes I've received and will receive.  I've been applying heat and ice, taking my medication, and hope to back out on the course next week.  So, to all my faithful readers, hang in there. 

1 comment:

Judith Bowman said...

Well, B.B.B. (today that stands for Bad Back Bob): feel better soon because I can't stand another day without reading about your golf game. Then the next time you play, use the little purple putter. That'll make your back feel a whole lot better.