Sunday, September 15, 2013

Looking forward to new parts

Soon I'll go in to the hospital to get a few new parts.  I got a new hip on the right side about 7 years ago.  The surgery has changed  a little, but the parts still look the same.  They remove the old ball at the top of the femur, ream out the socket joint, and replace the whole system with a new ball, with a spike driven down into the femur.  This is just info for those of you who have never seen how a hip is replaced.
So, Monday I'll have my left hip replaced. They say the recovery time will be about 6 weeks.  During that time, no golf.  So my 'golf'' blog will have to have very little golf entries after next week. 
I got a call from Jillian last night and she asked me to be a driver on her class field trip to the Zoo.. I had to decline, and I hated it.  Not only spend the day with Jilly, but at the Zoo!  It's almost worth cancelling my surgery!  Oh well, anytime you're laid up for period, it gets to be inconvenient.  I'll also miss a couple of Cross Country meets.  I hope just one, but we'll see.
I'll keep you posted on my recovery, as there will be no golf reports! 
I'm sure I'll be able to RUN FASTER, and JUMP HIGHER.  I'm pretty sure that's what the Doctor promised.

1 comment:

Mark said...

We felt lousy because somehow didn't let the dates conflict in our heads before we asked!