Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Golf Balls, Golf Balls

What do you do with used golf balls? I have new balls I play with, about 6 dozen, and a shag bag with 50 golf balls in it, which is all I need for that. But, I have 15 dozen shag balls that I don't know what to do with. Most of these balls are either old and starting to yellow, or fairly new with a cart path mark to two on them. Not terrible balls, but not what you'd want to use on the golf course. So....anybody got any ideas?


Brian said...

Call Kramer and go to the beach!

Kevin said...

1) Hit from the backyard & see how many accidents you can cause on neighboring streets.
2) Throw them at slow golfers.
3) Yell "fore" when you drive by Cherokee- and actually fling a ball.
4) On the expressway, drop them in front of any truck which displays a "not responsible for..." sign.

Mark said...

I've always thought that a thick layer of golf balls would make a cool garden mulch.