I played with Greg Lynn and Elwood Tackett. Both guys I worked with at Toyota. They live up Lexington way, so meeting them at Shelbyville to play makes it a halfway meeting. I always give Greg strokes and play him $1-$1-$1. Today I gave him 2 strokes on the front nine and 3 strokes on the back nine. I tied him on the front, but beat him on the back and the 18, so I won $2 from him. Also, we played Bingo, Bango, Bongo for a quarter a point, and I won $2 more from Greg, and $1.75 from Elwood. So, even playing bad I still won all the money!
Now, for my new yellow ball. My plan to play 10 rounds with that new yellow ball ended on hole #9. My drive was a little short on the par 5 hole and I didn't quite reach the corner. So, I tried to hit a driver through the opening in the trees, keeping it low. I hit a good shot, but there was a small pot-hole in the cart path, and my ball hit very hard on the far edge of the hole, bounced straight up in the air, loosing about 60 more yards of roll. And, it put a nice gouge in the ball, so I had to replace it.
It rained a lot during the round, but never very hard. I never got my umbrella out, but did cover my bag with my bag umbrella to keep my clubs dry. It never rained more than a sprinkle, but it did rain off and on for most of the round. But, it was fun and I enjoy getting to see my old friends from Toyota.
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