Friday, February 13, 2009

Storm Debris

It seems I go for days with anything to post, then all of a sudden I feel like I'm writing one post after another. This picture shows the storm debris piled at the corner of Rosewood Ave. and Baxter Ave., about 2 blocks from our house. You can see the damage to their wooden fence and the amount of debris they have to get rid of. There is a sidewalk where at the stuff is piled. Good luck pedestrians. This is a rather large pile, but piles like this are all over Louisville waiting for the city to pick them up. It's going to be a long while before they can get this amount of debris removed from all the city streets. The Mayor said that tomorrow is the last day you can dump debris at the collection sites without being charged. And, that all storm debris must be cut up into 3 foot lengths to be picked up by the city. Mary Lynn and I both wondered what is going to happen to all the limbs around town that are not cut up. Are they going to lay there forever! This pile, despite having the sidewalk blocked, is one the neater ones around town.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

That's the home of a friend of mine. I talked to him a couple of months ago when he was nearly done cleaning up his Ike mess. I bet he wasn't too happy this past week.