Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Girl Scout Rip-Off

I like the Girl Scout Organization! I think it's a worthwhile group for young ladies. However, I think the Girl Scout Cookie campaign is one of the biggest rip-offs allowed to prey on the public! I realize I may get some hate mail on post, and will print a retraction if proved wrong, but this is my opinion. I realize this is THE major fund raiser for the Girl Scouts, and they need it. However, I would propose that anyone that's planning on buying $20 worth of cookies just donate $5 to the Girl Scouts, then go the the grocery and buy $5 worth of cookies. This would give the Girl Scouts more money than their share of your original $20, give you more cookies, and save $10 in the process.
Most of the cookie money goes to the Company that makes the cookies. They're the ones making the killing. I would love to see each troop bake their own cookies, then set up outside your local grocery, bank, etc., and sell them while asking for donations. At work, the parents of the these Girl Scouts could set a plate of cookies in the breakroom along with a sign-up donation sheet. Just about anybody who ate a cookie would put a donation down. This way all the money would go to the Girl Scout Troop with no money going to a large Cookie Company!
Can't wait to see the comments on this one!


Kevin said...

The girls better bake some Samoas or they aren't getting a cent from me.
according to the Girl Scouts web site, the Scouts get 70% of the money, the company that bakes the cookies gets 30%. http://www.girlscouts.org/program/gs_cookies/faqs.asp#money_where says

Anonymous said...

As the mother of four girl scout cookie sellers, no no, pleas don't give out any hints.Ya years ago, but Moms seem too busy now a days.

Judith Bowman said...

Girl Scouts rule! But if their cookie sale means more dough for a another half-baked CEO, then I say that's a pretty crummy deal.
- A 61 yr-old former Girl Scout, Troop 1164, Redford Township MI.