Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wow! 2 for 1 Again! You guys are really lucky.

The new deck is finished.  There's a lot of cleaning up to do and a few changes to how things are going to be stored under the deck.  Also, I've been told by Mary Lynn that new deck furniture is needed.  What?  \
Anyway, now that it is finished I can get the leaves raked up in the back yard.  This always requires getting my blower out and blowing all the leaves out of the ivy under the deck.

Now, for part 2:  I played my 51st round of golf today.  I shot a 42 - 43 = 85 at Iroquois GC.  I left before the other groups got in.  We had 5 groups today and we were the first out.  The group behind up was over 2 holes behind us, and when they got in, they said the group behind them was 3 holes back.  So, I didn't bother to wait around.  It still boggles my mind as to how these guys get so far behind!

1 comment:

Mark said...

Let me know if you need any yard work help!