Saturday, November 14, 2009

Oldest Coin Found so far - But how old?

I found this penny at Lincoln-Shelby Park today. It's a 1920 something, but I can't make out the last number. Sometimes I think it looks like a'0', sometimes a '2' and sometimes a '4'. But it's 1920 something, which makes it the oldest coin I've found so far. I also metal detected at Atherton HS this afternoon. Evidently they gave out their trophies for HYR this morning because I found a medallion that "Isaac" won, but didn't make it home with. I looked up HYR on line and called the director and left a message. I'm sure little "Isaac" would love to have his medallion that he worked hard all season to earn.

1 comment:

Mark said...

I always have better eyes than you for reading those dates. If you still haven't figured it out next time I'm over there, I'll read it and let you know.