Saturday, September 13, 2014

How many family gatherings over the years?

We only have a few short weeks left in this old house.  How many family gatherings has it seen over the 45+ years we've been here?
Christmas, Derby Day, 4th of July, Easter, Birthdays.  So many memories to take with us to our new house. 
We moved into our house in May of 1969, 2 months before Mark was born.  So, all three of the boys were born while we lived here.  One of the first memories I have of this house, other than Mark being born, was sitting on the front porch, (Wood, screened-in front porch) with little baby Mark, early in the a.m. watching the first moon landing and watching Neil Armstrong step out onto the moon. 
Looking back through the family albums, 4 out of 5 pictures are taken in this house.  Old house, we'll miss you, but it's time to make new memories in our new house!

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