Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cross Country and Vietnam

Erin and Jill had a Cross Country Meet in Frankfort this past weekend.  It was held at the State Capitol Vietnam Memorial.

I love watching the girls run, and both of them did a great job this weekend.  Between races, I visited the Memorial and had to look up some of the names of people I know who were killed in Vietnam.
Ronnie Alvey was a classmate of mine at Flaget High School.  I found 3 names of people I know, and was surprised to see that all three of them were killed during the year I was in Vietnam.
Just above the shadow is the name of Robert Harris, brother of J. R. Harris who I play golf with all the time.  13 lines above his name is Carl Shirley, who I grew up with on McCloskey Ave. in the 1950's.  Over 58,000 U.S. Servicemen were killed in Vietnam.  That's a lot of young men from one generation.  I was informed by those that attended our last Flaget Wednesday meeting that Flaget High School lost more former attendees in Vietnam than any other school in Jefferson  County.

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