Friday, April 25, 2014

A funny thing happened on the way back from the Golf Course.

Well, it wasn't that funny.  But I did find out about the water main break on the way home from the golf course.  And, it made me alter my course.
This early Friday morning.  The hole was pretty big, but they were bringing in a bunch of dump trucks and a big flatbed truck with another large digging vehicle on it.  So, I knew the hole was about to get even bigger!
Here's the hole about 2:30 that same afternoon.  A lot wider and a lot deeper.
And here's the broken line that caused the problem.  It's hard to imagine a line this large, being under the pressure it's under, and sitting there for years not leaking.  I'm not surprised they spring leaks.  What surprises me is that they go so long without leaking!

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