Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lurking at the Bird Feeder

This hawk was sitting on the fence by the bird feeders today. I assume he was looking to feed on what feed's at the bird feeder. I took several pictures of him, stepping a bit closer each time, until he flew away. Several hours later I looked and he was back. I checked my bird book and I think he's a Cooper's Hawk. But I've never been very good at identifying birds.

1 comment:

Judith Bowman said...

What a neat visitor! I wonder if he'll keep coming back. I just watched an Animal Planet special about hawks - they are fascinating creatures!

I read about another "remedy" for squirrels in the bird feeder: have you ever tried putting hot chili powder on the seeds? The article said the squirrels won't eat it but the birds can't even tell it's there. Wonder if it works...