Monday, October 26, 2009

Coincidence? I think not.

Two different story angles here:
Story 1: I was metal detecting at St. Matthias Field today. I've never found a real silver quarter. I found my first real silver dime Saturday. Today I dug a hole and found this horseshoe. The very next hole I dug I found this silver quarter! Believe me, I'm keeping the horseshoe! I think I'll mount it to the side of my wooden box I keep all metal detecting tools in.
Story 2: Brian came by to visit yesterday. I know Brian has found a silver dime. Mark and I have never found a silver coin. I found my first silver dime Saturday. When I told Brian I was now even with him he informed me that he's also found a silver quarter! I didn't know that. Well, Mr. Brian smarty pants, now we're even!!!
Check out the 2 quarters. One is a 2001, lost for maybe 8 years at the most. Then check the 'real' silver quarter, 1964, probably lost for 40 years. What a difference in the coins!


Brian said...

"would you believe when I was your age I had a silver dollar collection?" - Frank Costanza

Mark said...

That quarter looks nice; I'd like to see it in person, both to see how worn it is (it doesn't look very worn to me) and to verify that you didn't fake it.

I've actually been wanting to find a horse shoe.

Bad Bob said...

Yes, the quarter is hardly worn at all. Looks just as good as the picture.