Monday, October 19, 2009

Cowgirls Riding the Open Range

Mary Lynn and I attended Chance School's Fall Festival yesterday. Erin and Jill got to ride the horses. The had 2 ponies and 2 horses. The girls, being the fine horsewomen that they are, rode the horses. Don't they look comfortable in the saddle? Just because their feet aren't reaching the stirrups doesn't mean they can't handle these fiery steeds!
The only disappointment was that Erin didn't get to do the Cake Walk. They were out of cakes and closed down before we got to it. I'm sure Erin envisioned something a little better than it actually is, or she wouldn't have been so disappointed.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Hey, that's a good idea. If Kim would just take the girls everyone on horseback, she probably wouldn't need to worry about registration and insurance!