Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Water Tower Field Booty

I metal detected at the Water Tower Fields today. I found $2.53, a ring, a zipper pull, and a piece of metal that looks like it had a picture of a family and dog, judging by the shape of it. I don't know what exactly that was supposed to be. The ring, I don't know either. I guess it's a piece of jewelry. On the inside it says 'Tungsten FC'. I've heard of Tungsten steel, so it could be a piece of hardware. For being undergound for awhile, it sure was shiny. It could be the missing piece that caused one of the space shuttle disasters.


Mark said...

Hmm, I don't know about that ring either. It looks like something that you'd wear, but it also seems pretty big. Is it too big for your finger?

That "family with a dog": it does sort of look like a dog, but I don't think it is. I think the dogness is an optical illusion caused by the patterns of the discoloration. I think it's just a bunch of overlapping people. I'd have to see it in person, though.

Judith Bowman said...

Space shuttle? Hmmmm...I think you have a great imagination, BB.

Judith Bowman said...

Bobby, I Googled "Tungsten FC" and the first listing had this info: "The FC Cambridge process, patented globally in 1998, is a novel electrolytic method for reducing metal oxide to metal in a molten salt. Although originally developed for titanium, other metal powders, including tungsten, can be produced at a fraction of the current cost." Other entries said it is a metal harder than steel, long-lasting. Rings made out of Tungsten FC metal can be worth up to $100. Cool!

Bad Bob said...

Thanks Judy. I googled Tungsten FC and took a look at the rings. They look the same as mine, just different styles. I'm sure my ring is a man's wedding band probably valued between $50 - $100.

Anonymous said...

That Tungsten FC ring is a man's wedding ring. I know this because I am wearing that exact one or one that looks JUST like it anyway. Mine was purchased for $67 to prove my account.. there is a box around the "FC" Great find. I found your post through a google search for "Tungsten FC Cambridge Process" as I was look for info on my ring. Good day..

Arthur said...


i have that ring, bought it at the wallmarkt in Frederick MD for 40 dollar.. i would rather lose my car lol.. i love my ring, i,ts very special to me..




love to hear from you.

Arthur. netherlands..